Going Fast, Going Far, Going Global — The Power of Alliances in Driving Big, Fast Results

Lead Author:  Ridzwan Hamzah (Joint Managing Director and Partner)

Co-Author: Syafa Mustaffa (Senior Manager)

At PEMANDU Associates, we have always believed in delivering transformative results —quickly and effectively. In today’s fast-paced world, the pressure to achieve high-impact outcomes is real and non-negotiable. Yet, the African proverb rings true: “If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.” But what if you could go far and fast? The answer lies in the power of global alliances, which is why PEMANDU Associates recently joined Cordence Worldwide.

Leveraging Global Expertise for Greater Results

Today, the Cordence Worldwide alliance connects ten independent consulting firms from all over the world, enabling each member firm to tap into a collective pool of subject matter experts, access domain specific insights, and utilise bespoke tools. This collaboration allows us to deliver robust solutions grounded on international best practices that are also tailored and aligned with our clients’ evolving needs across borders.

As an independent boutique firm, PEMANDU Associates can now leverage on this alliance to enhance its consulting services to achieve bigger and faster results. By harnessing the firm’s agility and responsiveness, it will enable us to co-develop innovative solutions with partner firms that are more fit for purpose, to navigate nuanced business challenges while delivering a global experience.

The Efficiency of Collaboration

Research consistently shows that small firms in collaborative ecosystems experience accelerated growth and deliver superior results compared to their larger and institutionalised counterparts. The concept of collaborative advantage, as discussed in the Harvard Business Review, emphasises that forming strategic alliances enables companies to pool resources and expertise, leading to enhanced project execution and trust. Smaller firms, leveraging their specialised skills within these alliances, can provide quicker and more tailored solutions, overcoming the bureaucratic hurdles often present in larger organisations.

A study published in the MIT Sloan Management Review further explores this perspective. It reveals that companies engaged in collaborative networks are not only more innovative but also achieve faster implementation of new ideas. The report highlights that such collaboration can boost innovation rates by up to 30%, significantly impacting areas like technology and digital transformation. The sharing of diverse expertise across industries facilitates a more agile approach to adopting new methodologies, which is critical in today’s rapidly evolving business landscape.

Moreover, insights from Investopedia, show that strategic alliances grant smaller firms increased visibility and access to broader markets. By tapping into global knowledge networks, these firms can scale rapidly and streamline innovation cycles, enhancing their competitive edge in consulting.

At PEMANDU Associates, our partnership with Cordence Worldwide exemplifies the power of collaboration. By seamlessly integrating our niche expertise and regional insights within the alliance, we can enhance our ability to deliver “Big, Fast Results” to a broader market, whilst reducing our cost to serve – which presents great economic value to clients.

Why the Cordence Alliance Matters

PEMANDU Associates champions the philosophy of delivering fast and impactful results. Joining Cordence Worldwide amplifies this mission, allowing us to harness the best of both worlds: boutique agility paired with global scale. This alliance enables us to be laser focused on execution while leveraging the strengths of international firms with decades of experience across sectors and geographies.

By combining local insights with global expertise, we ensure our clients receive innovative and efficient solutions, whether addressing complex challenges, expanding into new markets, or responding to crises in real time.

Going Far and Fast — Together

As businesses navigate increasingly complex environments, collaboration is not just an option; it’s an imperative. The Cordence Worldwide alliance exemplifies the strength of partnerships, allowing us to deliver impactful results while building sustainable, long-term solutions for our clients.

In a world where speed and precision are crucial, going far and going fast are no longer mutually exclusive. With the power of a global alliance, PEMANDU Associates continues to redefine what’s possible, ensuring our clients succeed, no matter the challenge.

Ultimately, it’s not just about reaching the finish line—it’s about delivering results that truly matter when we get there.


  1. Harvard Business Review, “Collaborative Advantage: The Art of Alliances”, 1994. https://hbr.org/1994/07/collaborative-advantage-the-art-of-alliances
  2. MIT Sloan Management Review, “Why Your Company Needs More Collaboration”, 2020. https://sloanreview.mit.edu/article/why-your-company-needs-more-collaboration/
  3. Investopedia,” Strategic Alliance”, 2021. https://www.investopedia.com/terms/s/strategicalliance.asp

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