Success Stories
India - Andhra Pradesh Urban Development Lab

Public Sector
Project Overview
Problem Statement
The state government of Andhra Pradesh, India, was confronted with the imminent challenge of accommodating a projected economic and urban population growth of 56% from the year 2015. The state seeked to anticipate and address the demands imposed by such substantial growth, ensuring that the state’s infrastructure is adequately equipped to support the anticipated economic and urban expansion. In response to this pressing need, the government enlisted the expertise of PEMANDU in 2016 to identify the necessary infrastructure requirements.
Five Sectors targeted
Impact Delivered
Following the engagement, significant progress has been made in the development of Andra Pradesh. The government’s growing initiatives include the construction of housing colonies, roads, and plots for the Economically Weaker Sections (EWS) and farmers. The government outlined a comprehensive plan for the city, emphasizing self-sufficient infrastructure, schools, hospitals, parks, safe drinking water, and pollution-free avenues in residential areas. The developmental activities, including construction, road laying, and plot development, are set to commence, with a focus on creating a sustainable and vibrant living environment. Monetization of land and collaboration with various financial institutions further underscore the government’s commitment to the successful implementation of the infrastructure development plan.