Success Stories
Pakistan Trade & Investment Functional Labs

Public Sector
Project Overview
In 2019, PEMANDU alongside the Government of Pakistan and Word Bank conducted an Ecosystems Lab for the integration of government entities that oversaw matters pertaining to trade, investment and industrial development namely the Ministry of Commerce and Textile (MoCT), Ministry of Industries and Production (MoIP) and Board of Investment (BOI)
Government Transformation
Public Policy
Strategy Development
Process Improvements
Problem Statement
In 2019, Pakistan was falling behind other emerging market peers in the World Economic Forum’s Global Competitiveness Index (GCI) ranking, dropping from 83rd in 2006 to 115th in 2018. Pakistan’s decline from 60th in 2006 to 136th in 2019 in the World Bank’s Ease of Doing Business (EODB) rankings over the past decade was also another concern. This was exacerbated by a lack of synergy, whereby three Government entities serve different scope of the trade, investment and industry ecosystem autonomously with little synergy between them.
Impact Delivered
Key Outcomes
As of 2023, Pakistan’s trade and investment climate is reportedly improving, as it moves closer to signing landmark trade agreement with GCC, as well as opens trade opportunities with various countries such as Malaysia and China. In the Doing Business 2020 report Pakistan stands at 108th rank improving 28 notches from the Doing Business 2019 report.