Success Stories
Somalia: Training of Trainers (ToT)

Project Overview
Problem Statement
The Federal Government of Somalia – faced with security issues, a waning economy, as well as lacking proper social policies and infrastructures in place – had engaged PEMANDU through a Strategic Workshop, during which key areas instrumental to revive the nation was identified – including both economic and social sectors.
Nonetheless, the government faced a key challenge – building up the nation’s own capacities and capabilities in order to be able to deliver their promises for a safer, more prosperous Somalia in the coming future.
Impact Delivered
The participants,split across five key priority areas, generated key strategies and recommendations towards three ambitious impacts – a transformative economic landscape in Somalia, targeting a tenfold increase in GDP, with an anticipated creation of >10K jobs, backed by a private investment ranging from $31 million to $125 million, set to catalyze widespread economic growth and development over the next five year. As a transition from the labs, several participants stood out with high potential to be ‘trainers’, and the next phase of our collaboration is on-track for 2024.