Success Stories

Somalia: Training of Trainers (ToT)



Project Overview

In 2023, the Federal Government of Somalia engaged PEMANDU. The Training of Trainers (ToT) Workshop, was a pivotal initiative stemming from the Strategic Direction Workshop, aimed to build capacity of participants with the skills and knowledge necessary to drive and implement strategic reforms in their home country.


National Transformation
Economic and Social Reform

Problem Statement

The Federal Government of Somalia – faced with security issues, a waning economy, as well as lacking proper social policies and infrastructures in place – had engaged PEMANDU through a Strategic Workshop, during which key areas instrumental to revive the nation was identified – including both economic and social sectors.

Nonetheless, the government faced a key challenge – building up the nation’s own capacities and capabilities in order to be able to deliver their promises for a safer, more prosperous Somalia in the coming future. 


Areas of Delivery

The ToT initiative saw 34 delegates from over 15 ministries and agencies in order to facilitate inter-ministry collaboration, as well as to ensure almost every Ministry was represented and had a point-of-reference to implement what was exercised and ideated in the labs. 

Within five days, participants were exposed to numerous lab tools and PEMANDU frameworks (e.g., True North, KPIs, 3-feet plans), as well as the 8-step Methodology. Participants were separated into five workstreams to identify gaps, key growth areas as well as way-forwards, which culminated into a Gallery Walk on the final day to present their work.

Areas of Delivery

Five workstreams and key growth areas:

  • Security for
  • Agriculture
  • Fisheries
  • Education
  • Water and Sanitation

Impact Delivered

Key Outcomes

The participants,split across five key priority areas, generated key strategies and recommendations towards three ambitious impacts – a transformative economic landscape in Somalia, targeting a tenfold increase in GDP, with an anticipated creation of >10K jobs, backed by a private investment ranging from $31 million to $125 million, set to catalyze widespread economic growth and development over the next five year. As a transition from the labs, several participants stood out with high potential to be ‘trainers’, and the next phase of our collaboration is on-track for 2024.

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