Success Stories
St. Lucia Implementation

Public Sector
Project Overview
Following the Economic and Social Labs, PEMANDU assisted in the implementation of projects and initiatives across Key Results Areas identified.
Economic Transformation
Sectorial Transformation
Problem Statement
PEMANDU Associates had offered as part of the ongoing engagement with the Government of St. Lucia, implementation support for the identified key result areas. Implementation of projects and initiatives across Key Results Areas identified in the Saint Lucia Social and Economic Labs thus begun in 2019, covering areas of tourism, health, agriculture, education, infrastructure and citizen security.
Impact Delivered
Key Outcomes
- 8% more tourist arrivals vs 2018 and 30K additional airline seats
- 30% reduction in time to process documents for investors
- Halving avg. immigration time at ferry port
- 18% increase in children receiving all childhood vaccines
- OKEUH hospital open
- response to the Covid pandemic
- Construction of St Jude Hospital new wing on track for June completion
- Advanced discussions to export bananas to new markets
- Cleared long-term backlog of crop-theft cases
- Agriculture station moved and Vieux Fort Landfill closed, enabling racecourse to open
- 28% increase in TVET enrolment (4.5k vs 4.1k students in previous year)
- ‘Numeracy hours’ launched in 4 pilot schools, to improve quality of mathematics teaching
- 1/3 reduction in travel time on main highway during rush hour
- 8km road construction underway – further 20km mobilizing for January/February
Citizen Security
- ~4% reduction in serious crime vs 2018
- 33% reduction in forensic backlog
- 11% reduction in high court backlog